2.34% This is the sum of the shorted capital, excluding shorts of less than 0.5%.

Include - 0.5%

Changes in short selling

Current positions

Holder % capital shorted Last shortsell
Fosse Capital Partners LLP 0.69 2024-04-24
Citadel Advisors LLC 0.59 2023-03-29
Tellworth Investments LLP 0.56 2023-08-01
Marshall Wace LLP 0.5 2023-05-16

Shortsell history

% capital shorted Last shortsell Holder
0.69 2024-04-24 Fosse Capital Partners LLP
0.56 2023-08-01 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.69 2023-07-10 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.7 2023-06-26 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.62 2023-05-26 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.5 2023-05-16 Marshall Wace LLP
0.59 2023-03-29 Citadel Advisors LLC
0.6 2023-03-22 Citadel Advisors LLC
0.55 2023-03-15 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.6 2023-02-27 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.59 2023-02-13 Tellworth Investments LLP
0.58 2023-02-09 Citadel Advisors LLC
0.5 2023-01-24 Marshall Wace LLP
0.73 2022-12-02 Fosse Capital Partners LLP